
We are so glad you stopped by to learn more about Delaware Christian Church. If you are just curious or if you are interested in taking your next step toward God, you will find some helpful information here. DCC is a place committed to reaching those far from God and teaching them to take their next step toward Jesus. 


Sunday 9am & 10:45am
Kids service:
Nursery-5th grade both services
Middle School 6-8th grade at 10:45am
Online Live – Sunday at 10:45am on Facebook & YouTube

We are BECOMING a church:

Where everyone is welcomed, accepted and renewed, restored – no matter gender, color, race, and nationality all are given equal opportunity to pursue Jesus in worship.  

Where the imperfect and sinful find God’s forgiveness and are given the opportunity to join God in his Kingdom work here in Delaware.

Where imperfect people find their God-given purpose of impact and influence in the world.

Where the Spirit of God and Grace flow freely in the life of every member.

Where experiencing God’s power is not a concept but a reality and it’s more important than personal and individual gain.

Where the supernatural power of God is not talked about but experienced through prayer – the blind see, the sick are healed, the unemployed find jobs, the depressed find joy and hope and the dead come back to life.

Where prayer is not something people do but people’s life-support.

Where prayer moves people and God closer together to accomplish God’s mission in Delaware.  

Where broken hearts are put back together, marriages are renovated, relationships are restored, people are given second, third, fourth ….chances.

Where people seek holiness and HATE sin.

Where redemption moves from concept to a reality of a life lived on earth.

Where there is no gossip, clicks, preferred people, but transparency, honesty, sincerity and ministry is for the people not for specific individuals or groups.

Where people are passionate for God’s Word, devoted to prayer and truthful in worship.

When God created the world, He created it to be dependent upon and in relationship with Himself. Mankind was created to fellowship and commune with the Godhead who shared perfect love and communion within Himself as Father, Son and Spirit. The love of God overflowed into creating our world, and yet the world, as the apostle John said, received Him not.

As we evaluate our lives at Delaware Christian Church, we are reminded that we were made for community, with God, with His people, and the world in which we live. The church was designed to impact the world and we aim to walk in His good, glorious design for the church.

We strive to be a church that loves. We seek to love one another and in turn love Delaware City as a whole and love doesn’t discriminate.

We are very conscious of the biblical saying “people will know us by our love”.

Join us as we pursue “Life Together” a life style without division and discrimination but of acceptance, redemption, transformation and love.

If you are looking for a place where people are real and authentic Delaware Christian Church will not disappoint you.

Join us, I hope to see you here.

Christ is All, 
Pastor Sam Rosa