financial WELLNESS
Steward Money Better
According to a recent Forbes article, only about 30% of Americans consider themselves to be financially healthy, which means a whopping 70% do not. As a church family, we have set out on a quest to achieve financial health that honors God. Not just financial health, but financial health that honors God.
Christian stewardship is a journey, and we want to assist you in your quest to financial freedom and stewardship. Below are ten steps to help you get there.
begin your journey
To start, evaluate which step you are at and begin with that step. Click on your chosen step and you will be taken to a page that provides specific materials (sermons, podcasts, and workshops) to help you progress on that step. Some materials are listed in more than one step due to their content but only need to be completed once.
ten steps to financial wellness
- Preparing for the Financial Wellness Journey
- Developing Attainable Goals and Life Balance
- Developing a Spending Plan
- Reducing Expenses
- Establishing an Emergency Fund
- Dealing with Debt
- Practicing Generosity
- Building Savings for Future Expenditures
- Investing for the Future
- Establish a Meaningful Legacy
The DCC Financial Wellness Ministry is designed to provide education with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that any staff, volunteer staff, guest speaker, or record materials, are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, investing, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.